Ngaguwany-guwal 'All together'

Aboriginal Cultural Artwork

Leticia Anne Designs & Co Brown Element

Connect & Discover

As you may have noticed, We have done numerous artworks for Department of Communities and Justice. And as a result, We’ve fostered friendships with the wonderful team in this government agency. One of the wonderful people we’ve had the pleasure of working with was Rosalin Kuriype.

Ros approached Leticia to do an artwork for her that shares the story of how her parents travelled from India to Australia to provide a better life for her and her siblings. She wanted something that would honour her parents for all their sacrifices for their family to put in her new home.

Gather & Create

An important part of our process creating cultural artworks, it that we are within good spirit so we bring good energies through. Leticia share that she has to open her mind to allow for her intuition and guidance from her ancestors to create the flow of the story.

You will see Rosalin’s parents at the top of the artwork (mother left to father right) surrounded by stars for the future they have given Rosalin and her siblings. Then you will see their journey across the seas from One community (India) to another (Australia). With the cross hatching representing land, where they are sharing, growing and coming together on Country. Below this you will see Rosalin (left), her sister and brother (to the right) all together surrounded from the love of their parents above.⠀⠀

Share & Embrace

It gave off such a wonderful feeling when Ros expressed her happiness toward the artwork! Upon completing this, we posted it to her together with the certificate of authenticity. As she finally held it in her hands, Ros felt an immediate sense of connection to this artwork that she constantly shares it with her family and friends. We are so glad it aligned with her and her family story. She also shared that this piece is very special as she is also in the process of buying her first home. It was truly an pleasure to be asked to create a piece to symbolise their journey.