Holy moly, this month has been absolutely HECTIC, although fabulous all at the same time… I hope yours has been deadly as!

Anyhow, obviously my email is a little late to you this month, I do apologise! As I said, it’s just been absolutely mental around here! Here’s what I’ve been up to;

My bestie Erin from Evolve Marketing and Communications moved in with my partner and I in Newcastle, so there was a lot of back and forth to Sydney to get her all sorted! But since she's been here, it's been great! We've both gone on a health kick, and are encouraging each other to hit our calorie goals, to eat super clean, and exercise daily! We're also keeping each other accountable with our work - it's honestly so good to have this change!

The same week that I was moving Erin in, I also had my wisdom teeth out, and we all know how much getting them taken out can knock you around! I was absolutely out of it, although I took some time to rest, but pushed through to work on some deadly projects!

The weekend after moving Erin in, I had my other bestie, Skye surprise visit me! I haven't seen Skye in SUCH a long time due to COVID, as she's based in Port Macquarie! I honestly didn't see it coming, and I was so surprised and grateful for her visit! We spent the weekend by having a girls shopping day, Skye then surprised me (again!) by getting our makeup done so that we could feel all kinds of FABULOUS for our group dinner and drinks date!

I also have to mention, I got my hair done, and if you have me on Instagram, you would have seen this! I was walking around for a few days with a super red scalp and red dye all over my forehead!! and whenever I worked out, the red would drip down... it really was a sight! Haha! But it's definitely all worth it now, as I'm absolutely in love with it!

I've mentioned to a lot of my deadly clients that I've recently sold my house back in Dubbo! It's due to settle today, so I had to go visit Dubbo to clean out the property, and up the yards to have it all perfect for the new owner! The whole reality of selling my home became so much more real when I went there! It’s a little sad to say goodbye to my old, but I’m excited to see what fabulous things are to come, now that I've built my life up in Newcastle!

Erin came along to help me with the clean and tidy the house up, and whilst we were there she had to finalise the lease for her office – so we were up to all hours of the morning cleaning her office, and my place! I can tell you we were absolutely EXHAUSTED!

Whilst I was in Dubbo, I organised to see my foster sister, Essina to shoot some hoops together!! It was so lovely to see her as I haven’t seen her since January, and it’s crazy to see how much she’s grown as a person! I also had a cute house picnic with Kim and Aaron whilst they helped clean away!

Also, VERY EXCITING news – I FINALLY got to pick up the cups that I designed for CSC Dubbo – check them out in the photos, they are deadly as.

Ooooh & how could I forget???? I got to test drive my brand new car!!! and was SO beyond excited to pick it up a week ago!!! So, it’s safe to say this past month has been incredibly INSANE!

Design Project Highlights

I recently created this logo package for the deadly Oolong House is located in Nowra, NSW and provides residential treatment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous men who may have issues with alcohol and other drug use. Oolong House uses culturally appropriate residential treatment for people with addictions, in order to strengthen their mental health in the long term.

It was incredible to work with this business, and I can’t wait to see their new logo come to life throughout their branding.

The Oolong Aboriginal Corporation Logo on paper

Monthly Design Tip

This month we are going to talk about the importance of building a strong online presence among the platforms where your niche market would most likely be found.

The first step to building a reputable and strong online presence is to have a website created. Businesses of any size, in all industries, should have a well-designed, user-friendly, and appealing website that your potential customers/clients can visit.

Your website will form a crucial component to your marketing strategy and establishes the credibility of your brand in your potential client’s eyes.

Once your website is up and running, you can then start to look into integrating effective lead generation tools to build your brand awareness and drive more visitors to your site.

Some lead generation tools that could support your website include search engine optimisation (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), inbound marketing, content, and social media marketing.

Are you feeling unsure where to start? Book a call below to see how we could possibly work together.

Connect, Inspire, Empower Graphic


You may have seen on my socials that I recently posted about my online shop launching tomorrow at 6pm AEST, which is super exciting! This has been in the works for a while now, to bring you my deadly artworks, for you to treat yourself, or someone close to you – let’s just say… Christmas is coming up!

I will be posting a 10% off code on my socials in the coming day, so keep an eye out for that! AND, see below a few sneak peeks of what will be available.

General Update

As you know, my books have been getting booked up very quickly, and I’m actually completely booked out til mid-January 2022. If you are interested in discussing any design projects, please get in touch asap, and please note that my prices will be increasing on 1 January 2022.

If you do decide you’d like to lock in a design project with me prior to the increase, I would require you to place a 50% deposit to lock the project in. This will then allow me to discuss timeframes with you, and for you to save a few pennies!

PLEASE NOTE: I will be taking some time off over the Christmas and New Year period to spend quality time with loved ones, and to rest and recoup! These are the dates I will be away;

I will be in touch with any current clients who will have projects ongoing during this period to discuss the happenings around this designated time away from the business.

I’m looking forward to showcasing some INCREDIBLE projects I’ve been working on recently – keep your eyes peeled!

Mandaang Guwu ‘Thank You’ so much for reading through our email! See you on the next one!

Yarn Soon,
Leticia Anne