Yaama ‘hello’ mob

This is the start of something new and exciting for me that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time… A yarn & share video blog exploring all different things that have played a part in my journey.

This is to provide a platform to share about my story and how I got to where I am. It will explore how I use my resilience built from childhood trauma and growing up in foster care to transform not only my own life, but the lives of other children and young people. I’ll also being yarning about important matters such as out-of-home care, youth homelessness, the power of young peoples voices, starting my own business, connection to culture and so much more.

As the proud owner & creator of Leticia Anne Designs, I’ll also explore topics within my business such as branding & graphic design, Aboriginal small business start up and tips, and embracing a business dreaming we are proud of.

Watch this space as this is only the beginning

Leticia Anne